S ul Centered Kids

mindfulness, meditation and more...
All About Crystals
Learn about Crystals. Crystal Healing & Crystal Grids
Service Description
Please note: This class meets every Thursday except for the week of July 15. We will meet on Saturday July 17 instead. This class is held outdoors in our backyard learning garden. Please bring your own yoga mats or a blanket to each class and bring crystals! Crystals, Crystal Healing & Crystal Grids + Art and Activities - The Science & Properties of Crystals - The Mathematical Nature of Crystals - The Metaphysical Properties of Crystals - Crystal Healing - Crystal Grids - Crystal Journal Necessary Materials: Printer, Notebook, pencils and/or colored pencils, pens and/or markers, crayons, scissors, tape etc. Mindfulness and Meditation are included in each class!
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please contact us 48 hours in advance.
Contact Details
Located inside Westchester Wellness Center 8727 La Tijera Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, USA